A future model of IT design, deployment and use shall evolve for enabling governments to serve their citizens, both efficiently and effectively. As we usher into an era of increased accountability, optimum utilization of resources and enhanced transparency, the earlier models of IT will not be enough.
The traditional model of IT has outlived its relevance and its rigidity does not leave much room for manoeuvrability. The contemporary model built to provide discrete services is certainly better but can be limiting as the focus increases on data driven services. Both innovation and dynamism will be restricted in the longer term with the current approach. A more platform centric, open architected, collaborative, seamless, secured and cloud and data centric model must evolve in order to serve the citizens.
The journey has just begun, the contemporary model elements are clearly visible today especially in terms of speed, quality and reach being the thrust. There are also traces of future model evolving, e.g. discrete domain platforms emerging. Yet in terms of core infrastructure, there are still traditional model elements present. A new and modern cloud centric, seamless, secured and managed infrastructure must evolve faster.